Thank you

by scaromatic 0 Comments

When we launched scarymote just before Halloween 2015, we didn’t really know how to communicate fast enough. I asked friends around, Facebook and Twitter players, community managers…. but most of those guys were not on the “Halloween” or “Scare your friends” very specific business 🙂


Then I met Matthieu, the owner of, a French costumes and fancy dress online shop with a huge choice (more than 12 000 Costumes, wigs, make-up, fangs, masks, shoes, bags, accessories and much more). Matthieu believed in the Scarymote project and helped us to communicate in France on Saturday 31st of October, just in time for Halloween. Thank you Matthieu !

Costumes et accessoires de fêtes

Matthieu is also organizing every year, 20 days before Halloween, a Vampires VS Zombies war. You have to choose your side and bite your friends on Facebook. If you win you can have coupon and prizes like costumes or accessories. I’ll try next year 🙂